14 Carol Reed, The Third Man, 1949. FmrCinema
15 Vittorio De Sica, Miracolo a Milano - Miracle in Milan, 1951. Fpc
16 Orson Welles, Othello, 1952. Autographed, 1940. USphoto
17 Renato Castellani, Due soldi di speranza - Two Cents Worth of Hope, 1952. FmrCinema
18 Henri-Georges Clouzot, Le salaire de la peur - The Wages of Fear, 1953. Fphoto
19 Teinosuke Kinugasa, Jigokumon - Gate of Hell, 1954. dphoto
20 Delbert Mann, Marty, 1955. FmrCinema
23 William Wyler, Friendly Persuasion, 1957. FmrCinema
Film Director Mikhail Kalatozov
26 Marcel Camus, Orfeu Negro - Black Orpheus, 1959. Fphoto
27b Henri Colpi, Une aussi Longue Absense -The Long Absence, 1961. FmrCinema
27 Federico Fellini, La Dolce Vita, 1960. dp
28 Luis Buñuel, Viridiana, 1961. FmrCinema
29 Anselmo Duarte, O Pagador de Promessas - Keeper of Promises aka The Given Word, 1962. Aphoto
30 Luchino Visconti, Il gattopardo - The Leopard, 1963. iphoto
31 Jacques Demy, Les parapluies de Cherbourg - The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, 1964. Favantscene
32 Richard Lester, The Knack...And How To Get It, 1965. UKphoto
33b Pietro Germi, Signore y signori - The Birds, The Bees and the Italians, 1966. FmrCinema
33 Claude Lelouch, Un homme et une femme - A Man and a Woman, 1966. Fphoto
34 Michelangelo Antonioni, Blow-Up, 1967. iphoto
35 Lindsay Anderson, If..., 1973. USstill
36 Robert Altman, MASH, 1970. USphoto by Tom LeGoff
37 Joseph Losey, The Go-Between, 1971. UKphoto
39 Francesco Rosi, Il caso Mattei - The Mattei Affair, 1972. FmrCinema
40 Elio Petri, La classe operaia va in paradiso - The Working Class Goes to Heaven aka Lulu the Tool, 1972. ibook
44 Francis Coppola, The Conversation, 1974 and Apolalypse Now, A Work in Progress, 1979. USphoto
41 Jerry Schatzberg, Scarecrow, 1973. USstill
44b Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina, Ahdat sanawovach el-djamr - Chronicle of Burning Years, 1975. From Rih al awras - The Winds of the Aures, 1966. Fphoto
45 Martin Scorsese, Taxi Driver, 1976. USphoto
47 Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, Padre Padrone, 1977. Fphoto
48 Ermanno Olmi, L_albero degli zoccoli - The Tree of Wooden Clogs, 1978. FmrCinema
49 Volker Schlöndorff, Die Blechtrommel - The Tin Drum, 1979. sphoto
5s Grand Prix Cecil B Demille, Union Pacific, 1938. USp Posthumously awarded in 2002.
6a 1e Cannes Film Festival poster, 1946. Fpc Design - Paul Colin
9 1e Cannes Film Festival, Seance du 24 Septembre, 1946. Design - Cluseau-Lanauve
9b 1e Cannes Film Festival, Seance du 24 Septembre, 1946. Design - Cluseau-Lanauve
9c 1e Cannes Film Festival, Seance du 24 Septembre, 1946. Design - Cluseau-Lanauve
6b Inauguration of the Cannes Film Festival, 1946. Fstamp
7n-1 1e Cannes Film Festival, 1946. Fp
7 1e Cannes Film Festival, 1946. Fp
7b 1e Cannes Film Festival, 1946. Fp
8a Cannes Film Festival, Inauguration limited edition album, 1946 Fcalbum
8b Cannes Film Festival, Inauguration limited edition program, 1946 FpCannes
8zh Cannes Film Festival, Inauguration limited edition program, 1946 FpCannes
8zzm Cannes Film Festival, Inauguration limited edition program, 1946 FpCannes
5t Grand Prix, Fridrikh Ermler, Velikiy perelom - The Turning Point, Le Cinema Sovietique, 1946. Fp
5t-1 Grand Prix, Frantisek Cáp, Muzi bez krídel - Men Without Wings, Czechoslovakia,1946. dp
5u Grand Prix Alf Sjöberg, Hets - Torment, 1946. slc
5v Grand Prix Roberto Rossellini, Roma città aperta - Rome, Open City, 1945. anfk
5w Grand Prix Jean Delannoy, La symphonie pastorale, Pastoral Symphony, 1946. Fpb
5x Grand Prix Billy Wilder, The Lost Weekend, 1945. USad
5x-1 Grand Prix Leopold Lindtberg, Die letzte Chance - The Last Chance, 1945. Switzerland USbook
5y Grand Prix Emilio Fernández, María Candelaria - Portrait of Maria, 1944. FmrCinema
5z Grand Prix David Lean, Brief Encounter, 1945. dp
5za Grand Prix Bodil Epsen, Lau Lauritzen, De røde enge - The Red Meadows, Denmark,1946. Fpb
5ze International Jury Prize, René Clément, Bataille du rail - Battle of the Rails, 1946. Fbook
5zh Actress, Michele Morgan Fpc
5zi Actor, Ray Milland Fpc
27 2e and 3e Cannes Film Festival, from the 10th Anniversary program, 1957. Fp Version in English
24 Musical Comedy Vincent Minelli, The Ziegfield Follies, 1947. USsp
24b Psychological and Love Film Jacques Becker, Antoine et Antoinette, 1947. Fbook
24d Social Film Edward Dmytryk, Crossfire, 1947. anfk
24c Animation Design Walt Disney at RKO, Dumbo, 1941. USsp
24e Adventure and Crime Film René Clément, Les maudits - The Damned, 1947. Fposter
28a 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28b 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-2 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-3 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-4 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-5 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-6 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-7 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-8 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-9 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-9a 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-9b 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-9c 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28e-9d 3e Cannes Film Festival, 1949. Fp
28zx Grand Prix Carol Reed, A. Korda, Orson Welles, The Third Man, 1949. gp
30 Actor Edward G. Robinson, House of Strangers, 1949. Fpc
29 3e Director and Actress, Le mura di Malapaga - The Walls of Malapaga, 1949. FmrCinema
(No festival in 1950)
39d-4 Michael Redgrave UKpc
39d-3 Bette Davis Fpc
34b 4e Cannes Film Festival, 1951. FmrCinema Design - Paul Colin
33 4e Cannes Film Festival, from the 10th Anniversary program, 1957. Fp Version in English
36 Grand Prix Alf Sjöberg, Miss Julie, 1951. yp
37 Grand Prix Vittorio De Sica, Miracolo a Milano, Miracle in Milan, 1951. Jp
38 Special Jury Prize and Actress Bette Davis, All About Eve, 1950. anfk. Autographed by Joseph Mankiewicz.
39 Director Luis Buñuel, Los olvidados -The Young and the Damned, 1950. Fposter
39d Special Award Powell _ Pressburger, The Tales of Hoffmann, 1951. UKsp
41 Grand Prix Orson Welles, Othello, 1952. Gp
42 Grand Prix Renato Castellani, Due soldi di speranza - Two Cents Worth of Hope, 1952. Fphoto
43 Director Christian-Jaque, Fanfan la Tulipe, 1953. FmrCinema
44g Special Jury Prize, André Cayatte, Nous sommes tous des assassins - We Are All Murderers, 1952. yp
44 Marlon Brando Gpc Autographed
44g Actress Lee Grant, Detective Story, 1951. USstill
46t-2 Adventure Film Lima Barreto, Cangaciero, 1953. spbex
46 Grand Prix Henri-Georges Clouzot, La salaire de la peur - Wages of Fear, 1953. anfk
46e Fairy Tale Film Erik Blomberg,The White Reindeer, Finland, 1950. fpc
46k Dramatic Film and Special Mention Shirley Booth, Come Back Little Sheba, 1953. USstill
46z Visual Narration, Emilio Fernández, Rosana, 1953. USstill
46z-1 Special Award, Walt Disney USsp
46u Exploration Film, Gian Gaspare Napolitano. Magia verde - Green Magic, 1953. USstill
50x Special Jury Prize Fred Zinneman, From Here To Eternity, 1953. Jp
50y International Film James Algar, Walt Disney, Documentary, The Living Desert, 1953. gpvh
50z International Film Helmut Käutner, Die Letzte Brücke - The Last Bridge, 1954. gp
50zza International Prize, André Cayatte, Avant le déluge - Before the Flood, 1954. Fphoto
50c Special Jury Prize René Clément, Monsieur Ripois - Knave of Hearts, 1954. FmrCinema
54 Palme d_Or Daniel Mann, Marty, 1955. US1sheet
54b Palme d_Or Daniel Mann, Marty, 1955. anfk Autographed by Ernest Borgnine
54c Palme d_Or Daniel Mann, Marty, 1955. USstill
54m Director Jules Dassin, Rififi, 1955. DDRp
54g-2 Dramatic Film East of Eden, 1955. USstill
54z Acting - The entire male and female cast of Bolshaya semya - A Big Family, by Iosif Kheifits, 1954. yposter
54y Actor Spencer Tracy, Bad Day at Black Rock, 1955. Fpc
56 9e Cannes Film Festival, 1956. Fp From the Ernest Henry Lindgren Archive BFI
58c Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Le monde du silence - World of Silence, 1956. Fp 1957 Cannes Film Festival
58f-1 Special Jury Prize Henri-Georges Clouzot, Le mystère Picasso - The Mystery of Picasso, 1956. FmrCinema
58f Special Jury Prize Henri-Georges Clouzot, Le mystère Picasso - The Mystery of Picasso, 1956. yp
58u Poetic Humour Ingmar Bergman, Smiles of a Summer Night, 1955.dp
58t Human Document Satyajit Ray, Apu trilogy - Pathar Panchali, 1955. Ip
58z Palme d_Or Short Film Albert Lamorisse, Le Ballon rouge -The Red Ballon, 1956. Jc
58r Actress Susan Hayward, I_ll Cry Tomorrow. USpc
62g-1 Special Jury Prize Andrzej Wajda, Kanal, 1957. FmrCinema
62 Palme d_Or William Wyler, Gary Cooper, Friendly Persuasion, 1957. USpc
62y Special Jury Prize Ingmar Bergman, The Seventh Seal, 1957. yp
62y-5 Director Robert Bresson, Un condamné à mort s_est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut - A Man Escaped, 1956. yp
62y-6 Actor John Kitzmiller, France Stiglic, Dolina Mira, Valley of Peace, 1956. yposter
62y-10 Actress, Giulietta Masina, Le notti di Cabiria - the Nights of Cabiria, 1957. Fpc Autographed
63b Documentary, Erik Balling, Qivitoq, 1956. icep
67c Sophia Loren at Cannes Film Festival, May 1958. Fphoto Paris Match
68d-6 Actor Paul Newman, The Long Hot Summer, 1960s. USpin
68d-1 Actress - The entire female cast of Brink of Life, 1958. dp
66 Mikhail Kalatozov, Letyat zhuravli - The Cranes Are Flying, 1957. USstill
70 Director, François Truffaut, Les quatre cents coups - The 400 Blows, 1959. Cannes President of Honor an Jean-Pierre Lead at the festival, 1959. Fphoto
70d-1 International Award Luis Buñuel, Nazarin, 1959. dp
70d-9 Special Mention Teinosuke Kinugasa, Shirasagi - The Snowy Heron, 1958. Fpb
71 Actress Simone Signoret, Room at the Top, 1959. Fpc
72 Actor, Orson Welles, 1959. USphoto
72c Actor, Male cast of Comulsion including Orson Welles, 1959. US1sheet
73 13e Cannes Film Festival poster, 1960. Fpc Design - Jean-Denis Maillart
73e Actress Melina Mercouri, Pote tin Kyriaki - Never on Sunday, 1960. anfk autographed by Melina Mercouri and Jules Dassin.
73m Actress Jeanne Moreau, Moderato cantabile - Seven Days Seven Nights Fpc
74 Palme d_Or, Federico Fellini, La Dolce Vita, 1960. Jad
79h Director Yuliya Solntseva, Povest plamennykh let - The Story of the Flaming Years, 1961. rposter
80 Special Jury Prize, Jerzy Kawalerowicz, Matka Joanna od Aniolów, Mother Joan of the Angels, 1961. Fp
81 Actress Sophia Loren, La ciociara - Two Women, 1960. Fpb
82 Actor Anthony Perkins, Goodbye Again, 1961. USstill
82b Gary Cooper Award, Raisin in the Sun, 1963. USstill
83c FIPRESCI Prize, Luis Buñuel El Ángel Exterminador - The Exterminating Angel, 1962. dp
84 Special Jury Prize Robert Bresson, Procès de Jeanne d_Arc - The Trial of Joan of Arc, 1962. Fpb
84b Special Jury Prize Michelangelo Antonioni, L-Eclisse - Eclipse, 1962. anfk Autographed by Monica Vitti
84e Actor and Actress Murray Melvin and Rita Tushingham, A Taste of Honey, 1961. anfk
84k Cinematic Transposition Mihalis Kakogiannis, Ilektra - Electra, 1962, sh
84m Comedy Film Pietro Germi, Divorzio all_italiana - Divorce Italian Style, 1961. anfk
85 Actress Katharine Hepburn, Lonmg Day_s Journey Into Night, 1962. ipc
87g Jury Special Prize Vojtech Jasný, That Cat - When the Cat Comes, 1963. sh
87g-5 Jury Special Prize Masaki Kobayashi, Seppuku - Harakiri, 1963. dp
87c Gary Cooper Award, To Kill A Mockingbird, 1962. USstill
87g-11 Actor Richard Harris, This Sporting Life, 1963. UKlc
87g-12 Actress Marina Vlady, The Conjugal Bed, 1963. Fpc
92b Special Mention Andrzej Munk, Pasazerka - Passenger, and his entire body of work 1961. yp
92d Special Jury Prize, Hiroshi Teshegara, Suna no onna - Woman in the Dunes, 1964. dp
92z-6 Actor Saro Urzi, Sedotta e abbandonata - Seduced and Abandoned, 1964. USstill set
92z-2 Actress Anne Bancroft, The Pumpkin Eater, 1964. USlc
92z-5 Actor Antal Pager, László Ranódy, Pacsirta - Drama of the Lark, 1964. yposter
96b Palais de festival, Cannes, 1965. Fstill
98 Special Jury Prize Masaki Kobayashi, Kwaidan - Ghost Stories, 1964. yp
97c Grace Kelly and Rose Kennedy at the Cannes Film Festival, 1965. Fphoto History of Cannes photo set 1990s
95 Grand Prix and Special Distinction C. S. T, Richard Lester, The Knack and How To Get It, 1965. anfk
97g Actor and Actress Terrence Stamp and Samantha Eggar, The Collector, 1969. USstill
103 Sofia Loren arrives in Cannes to preside over the jury, 1966. USphoto
105 Tribute, Orson Welles, Journey Into Fear, 1943. USstill
104 Special Jury Prize Lewis Gilbert, Alfie, 1962. Autographed by Michael Caine
104a Actor Per Oscarsson, Sult - Hunger, 1966. dp
104b Actress Vanessa Redgrave, Morgan - A Suitable Case For Treatment, 1960. anfk
105d Special Mention, Un Certain Regard, Pier Paolo Pasolini FmrCinema
109 Best First Work, Mohammad Lakhdar Hamina, FmrCinema
107 Special Jury Prize, Ukamau, Jorge Sanjines, 1966. Fphoto
106b Grand Prix Michelangelo Antonionni, Blow-Up, 1966. Fposter Cinematheque Francaise exhibition 2015.
107b Director Ferenc Kósa, Tizezer Nap - Ten Thousand Days, 1967. ysp
110a A Typical Scene (two days before the festival was cancelled), Cannes, May 16, 1968. 2 USphoto
111a Cannes Film Festival cancellation bulletin, , May 18, 1968, François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Lelouch, Louis Malle, Milos Foreman. Fbulletin
111b Cannes Film Festival, Les etats generaux du cinema Francais, May 18, 1968, Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Lelouch, Louis Malle, Milos Foreman. Fbulletin
110c Henri Langlois, Cahiers du Cinema, No 199, March 1968. Fmag
111 François Truffaut gets attacked onstage while announcing closure of the festival, Cannes, May 1968. Fphoto
115b Director Vojtech Jasný, Vsichni dobrí rodáci - All My Compatriots, 1969. CzA1
118 Best First Work Dennis Hopper, Easy Rider, 1969. USstill
117 Jury Prize Costa-Gavras, Z, 1969. USp
116b Director Glauber Rocha icephoto
117g Actress Vanessa Redgrave, Isadora, 1969. UKsp
119 Grand Prix Robert Altman, MASH, 1970. dp
119c Actress Octavia Piccolo, Metello, 1970. FmrCinema
120 Actor Marcello Mastroianni, The Pizza Triangle, 1970. Gpc
124 Jury Prize Bo Widerberg, Joe Hill, 1971. dp
125 Actress Kitty Winn, Panic in Needle Park, 1971. Gp
125b 25th Anniversary Prize Luchino Visconti, Morte a Venezia - Death in Venice, 1971. anfk Autographed by Dirk Bogarde
127 Grand Prix Elio Petri, La classe operaia va in paradiso - The Working Class Goes to Heaven, aka Lulu the Tool, 1972. iposter
128 Grand Prix Francesco Rosi, Il caso Mattei - The Mattei Affair. 1972. Jp
128g Special Jury Prize Andrei Tarkovsky, Solyaris, 1972. anfk
128j Director Miklós Jancsó, Még kér a nép, Red Psalm , 1972. Fp
128r Actor Jean Yanne, Nous ne vieillirons pas ensemble - We Won_t Grow Old Together, 1972. dp
128s Actress Susannah York, Images, 1970. UKposter
126zc Jury Prize, George Roy Hill, Slaughterhouse Five, 1972. Fp
137d François Truffaut, Valentina Cortese and Jean-Pierre Leaud at Cannes Film Festival, La nuit Americaine - Day For Night, 1973. Keystone Fphoto
132 Grand Prix Alan Bridges, Robert Shaw, Sarah Miles, The Hireling, 1973. USstill
133 Grand Prix Jerry Schatsberg, Scarecrow, 1973. USstill
133d Special Jury Prize Jean Eustache, La maman et la putain, The Mother and the Whore, 1973. dp
134g Jury Prize Wojciech Has, Santorium pod klepsydra, 1973. FmrCinema
134j Actor Giancarlo Giannini, Film d_amore e d_anarchia - Love _ Anarchy, 1973. Gp
135 Actress Joanne Woodward, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man In The Moon Marigolds, 1972. US1sheet
136 Special Award René Laloux, La planète sauvage - Fantastic Planet, 1973. Jc
134 26e Cannes Film Festival, Marco Ferreri La Grand Bouffe press conference, May 23, 1973. USphoto
139m Screenplay, Steven Spielberg, Sugarland Express, 1974. Fpb
139o Jury Prize, Carlos Saura. sphoto
139k Actor Jack Nicholson, The Last Detail, 1975. anfk
139z Grand Prix of the C. S. T., Ken Russell, Mahler, 1975. Gp
139v FIPRESCI Prize, Robert Bresson, Lancelot du Lac - Lancelot of the Lake, 1974. (Award declined) Fpb
139za FIPRESCI Prize and Ecumenical Award, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Angst essen Seele auf - Ali, Fear Eats the Soul, 1974. anfk
142h Actor Vittorio Gassman, Profumo di donna - Scent of a Woman, 1974. Fcpb
143 Actress Valerie Perrine, Lenny, 1974. USstill
142 Palme d_Or Mohammad Lakhdar Hamina, Chronique des années de braise, Chronicle of the Years of Fire, 1975. Fpb
148 FIPRESCI Prize, Wim Wenders, Im Lauf der Zeit, 1976. FmrCinema
145b 29e Cannes Film Festival, 1946-1976. Design Wojciech Siudmak, Variety, March 1976. USad
147g Actress Dominique Sanda L_eridita Ferramonti, 1976. FmrCinema
150 Palme d_Or and FIPRESCI Prize, Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, Padre Padrone - My Father My Master, 1977. US1sheet
151c-1 Actress Shelley Duvall, 3 Women, 1977. USstill
152 Grand Prix of the C. S. T. and Music Award, Michael Schultz, Car Wash, 1976. anfk
155b Director Nagisa Ôshima, Ai no korîda - In the Realm of the Senses, 1976. Jp
154k Grand Prix of the C. S. T., Louis Malle, Pretty Baby, 1978. anfk
156 Actor Jon Voight, Coming Home, 1978. USscreen
156e Actress, Isabelle Huppert, Violette Noziere, 1978. USstill
156k Claude Chabrol, Stéphane Audran and Isabelle Huppert at Cannes Film Festival, Violette Noziere, 1978. Agip Fphoto by Robert Cohen
160b Palme d_Or Francis Coppola, Apocalypse Now, 1979. anfk Autographed by cinematographer Vittorio Storaro
159 Palme d_Or Volker Schlöndorff, Die Blechtrommel - The Tin Drum, 1979. anfk Autographed by Volker Schlöndorff
283d Director Terrence Malick, Days of Heaven, 1978. US1sheet
519 Role Feminin, Eva Mattes, Woyzeck, 1979. anfk
520 Grand Prix, Andrey Konchalovskiy, Sibiriada - Siberiade, 1979. Rposter
1000b Actress Sally Field and Grand Prix of the C. S. T., Norma Rae, 1979. USstill
158 32e Cannes Film Festival party, design Berberian, La Societe des Realisateurs des Films. 1979. Fcinvite
1000c Actor, Jack Lemmon, The China Syndrome, 1979. Wire press USphoto